10am sATURday 1 FEBRUARY 2025
morning of action - DECEMber 2024

As we made our way up the hill to our weeding site we were delighted to see an Eltham Copper Butterfly... then another... and another and another and another! Wonderful little creatures. Some of us had never seen them before and as is usually the case there was great surprise at how small they are. Enigmatic little creatures. We wondered what they might be feeding on as there's not much flowering in that area at the moment. One exception is Cassinia longifolia so perhaps that offers some nourishment. Discussions with a couple of lepidoptera specialists suggest that this may well be the case.
After admiring the butterflies we went further up the hill to our Flora Survey Plot #1 where we continued to focus on removing weedy seeds. We are trialling different approaches and will monitor the outcomes over time. Methods include careful handweeding and coarse slashing. Although handweeding is relatively slow, it retains the integrity of the indigenous seed bank. It also mans we get a really good look at what's there. In the process we also ensure soil structure is cared for. The coarse slashing approach significantly reduces biomass, creating conditions that are often better for the indigenous species and less appealing for the weedy species. More on that process in time to come...
Removing Sweet Vernal, Watsonia & Breeza revealed more pregnant indigenous plants including orchids (sun, onion, greenhoods and others)...as well as various Lilies & Glycines, Desmodium, Lomandras, grasses and baby Bursarias. We encountered beautiful insects, lizards, and various eggs...

morning of action - NOVEMber 2024
"What a blissful way to spend a morning – sitting in the warm grass surrounded by precious growing, buzzing and calling things, gently pulling weeds and taking care not to disturb too much soil. Excitement bubbling over at the sight of an orchid or clover glycine lurking among the grasses. Slow, meditative, companionable, life-affirming and sooo good for the soul." Elizabeth, Friends of Biodiversity Hohnes Hill Teamie

Here are a couple of the Onion Orchids growing among the weeds. You can see they have been pollinated and are pregnant, with some seed capsules already ripe and split, releasing the extremely fine powdery seed.
The wonderful team understand the value of removing weeds in response to various considerations such as type of weed, likelihood of spread, quality of surrounding vegetation, stage of 'invasion', seed maturity and more.
Sometimes some weeds are best left if they are the primary food and shelter for indigenous creatures and do not pose serious threats. In such circumstances, ensuring removal of seeds reduces likelihood of reproduction.​

Above and below are photos showing before and after the removal of weeds such as Sweet Vernal grass, Quaking grass, Vetch and Watsonia. Beneath and among all these we find various orchids, many of which are now pregnant (including Onion orchid, Sun orchid, Blunt Greenhood) and lilies (including Bulbine, Chocolate and Yellow Rush).
For some reason, many lilies have not been pollinated, or they appear pregnant but their seed capsules contain powder rather than individually formed seed.
Is this the result of weather patterns? Reductions in pollinators throughout our environment? Something else?

Enabling the indigenous seed bank to increase wherever possible is important, especially if there is healthy diversity in population genetics. If there is not enough, it is important to plant flora of local provenance (ie from an area that is near enough for seed to travel via wind, water, animals - perhaps except the 'modern' human!).
Thanks Geoff and Garry for the before and after pics.​
birrarung walk - uncle bill NICHOLSON jNR & FOBHH

Nillumbik Shire Council invited us to co-host an event with Uncle Bill Nicholson Jnr, who always shares a great yarn. It was a lovely opportunity to learn from each other and explore various aspects of the Diamond Creek and Birrarung/Yarra river.
Among other things, Uncle Bill spoke about the figures who created the waterways, how their actions formed the flow, along with tributaries and billabongs.
Current management practices were also discussed, and the legislation that recognises the river as a living entity was celebrated.
We spoke about the ethos and actions of Friends of Biodiversity Hohnes Hill, where we focus on protecting and reinvigorating indigenous biodiversity with a careful and responsive approach. There was great interest in the revegetation project that we have proposed to Council (still seeking their support) to connect the reserve with the confluence.
Brilliant news! Things are looking promising for the Eltham Copper Butterfly population at Hohnes Hill.
It's the time of year for counting caterpillars, by torchlight, on dry and relatively windless nights.
Surveying for caterpillars of the Eltham Copper Butterfly (ECB) is part of the management plan aiming enable an increase in the small population. The ECB suffers primarily from habitat loss and fragmentation, and invasive species (various weeds, rabbits, deer). By surveying, we can learn about their habits, population trends and more.
Friends of Biodiversity Hohnes Hill has been improving conditions for these little creatures. Great energy and commitment from the team has led to the removal of MASSIVE quantities of Cassinia Sifton, Vetch, Broome, WA Bluebell and other invasive and smothering weeds. This helps ECBs access their preferred plants, especially Sweet Bursaria, and creates conditions more suitable for feeding, flying, and reproduction. It also reduces the allelopathic chemicals released into the soil by weeds which can impact indigenous plants and the colonies of ants on which the ECB relies.

Here are three caterpillars with their attendant ants. The caterpillars are very sensitive to light, so we must be careful and swift when surveying (and photographing).
morning of action - october 2024

Anyone have hover shoes?? We really need them.
We walk and work carefully, with eyes to the ground, looking for various lilies and orchids. Dainty darlings. Their flowers are in various stages of growth - budding, full bloom, wilting petals but plump and pregnant... and we really do not want to accidentally damage them.
Among the gorgeous plants and leaf litter this young Gumleaf Grasshopper sits quietly...

Here is a beautiful example of how carefully we must work and why it's important to be familiar with our local plants - through all our senses. If we worked too quickly, indigenous plantain growing alongside the introduced species might have been plucked! You can see its characteristics described in July's Morning of Action (scroll down) - soft downy leaves, slightly toothed etc. It's great getting to know them, a bit like good friends :-)

Montpellier Broome is a highly invasive weed - hardy, readily spreads, viable seed for many years, nothing much seems to eat it... making it hard for local species to thrive and reproduce.
The video and pics gives some indication of the scale of trees and their spread in area.
We have effectively prevented thousands upon thousands of seeds from maturing and scattering... and never will they reproduce again. We also found great treasures - unknown patches of Desmodium, Blunt Greenhood, Dianellas ..... Wooo!

Below, highlighted with little orange circles, we see orchid leaves trying to find light. These Blunt Greenhoods were being smothered by weeds - mainly Broome and Vetch in this little patch. In better conditions, most of these orchids would be flowering. Some would be pollinated and in the process of producing seed... it's that time of year.

Oxalis is another significant weed that is very difficult to manage. Here we see Pterostylis curta (Blunt Greenhood) surviving in among the oxalis.
What would the outcome be if we did nothing?


Mr Cocksfoot thought he could get away with his excellent disguise.... But we found him, head buried in the ground, trying to avoid us! He and his mates had a terrible time during our flash weedingplanting session... and in their place we now have a beautiful array of site-appropriate indigenous species including Indigofera australis, Brachyscome diversifolia, Vittadinia cuneata, Bossiaea prostata, Glycine clandestina and others...
Sorry Mr Cocksfoot and friends... there's no stopping us!
Pics of the planting coming soon.
MORNING OF ACTION - september 2024
Details coming ... when the Time Machine collaborates
A typically brilliant morning.
We took advantage of somewhat softer soil after recent rain and pulled out another small mountain of Watsonia.
Team efforts have made an astonishing difference - massive reductions in this hardy invasive weed, and wonderful proliferation of indigenous lilies (including Chocolate Lily - Arthropodium strictum and the dainty Yellow Rush-lily - Tricoryne elatior), orchids (including some very healthy Sun Orchids in gorgeous groups - Thelymitra sp, diverse grasses and more.
We also removed guards from plants that no longer need protection (luckily we do not have to contend with deer!), and planted more Spur Goodneia (Velleia paradoxa/Goodenia paradoxa), Grass Triggerplant (Stylidium graminifolium), and Clustered Everlasting (Chrysocephalum semipapposum). They complement the others planted during our 'flash-planting' sessions in July. Scroll down for details...
Unfortunately we have seen terrible loss of wood from the reserve. Please spread the word far and wide - protect logs and trees.
DO NOT TAKE THEM. They are critical habitat for many native animals - from the outrageously beautiful Brush-tailed Phascogale to Owls, butterflies, beetles, and much more.

Pre-action yarns! So lovely....

Geoff gets a koala stamp for cleanest shoes :-)
'Tis the cool season for planting! More than 100 indigenous plants, species including Dianella amoena, Pultenaea pedunculata, Leucochrysum albicans, Dianella longifolia laevis, Chrysocephallum apiculatum, Brachyscome diversifolia, Tetratheca ciliata, and Craspedia variabilis.
These plantings enhance species abundance and diversity, support insect populations, and increase the seed bank.
We chose areas that have beautiful grasses, Twinging Glycine, Lomandra sp and others being swamped by various weeds... Bag-loads of Plantago lanceolata...
Excellent support from Queenie.


Learning out in the field is the best and you don't need prior experience.
This week we focused on refining our ID skills of introduced Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and our native Variable Plantain (Plantago varia).
They can look quite alike and with our action, it is vital that we all learn to differentiate the two.
We do not want to remove the native one! Around the Shire and beyond it unfortunately often falls victim to unknowing eyes and hands.
Touching the leaves is so helpful, as the local species is much softer (especially this time of year). It also has a lovely gently 'toothed' edge - sometimes so subtle you can barely see it.
It is a great idea to wear your glasses when weeding!
Thank you Geoff Sutter for writing up a brief outline (see pic) of the differences between then two species, and providing the diagram that explains some details.
​Photos coming soon... in the meantime, iNaturalist is a great resource
Plantago varia (native)
Plantago lanceolata (introduced)
If you've read previous months' info you might guess that part of our focus continues to be on cheeky Vetch.
The introduced legume is growing rapidly since it emerged earlier this year. Its roots are increasing their hold, its tangling tendril-like arms reaching further afield. BUT with joy and chatter and a great deal of care, we have stopped it from smothering hundreds of native orchids including Pterostylis species (Greenhood) and Thelymitra sp (Sun Orchids), beautiful Bossiaea prostrata, Daucus glochidiatus (Australian Carrot - such a dainty one!), various Glycine species and more.
And then of course we had an amazing feast with thanks to the culinary love and care of so many in the team.
You are all so terrific....
Yet another beautiful gathering, carefully removing weedy vetch, revealing many orchids, lilies, geraniums and more.
We also weeded around young Sweet Bursaria plants to ensure easy movement for Eltham Copper Butterfly larvae when they emerge later in the year. Our approach protects soil integrity and looks after ant nests, on which larvae rely :-)
An impromptu flash-weeding session was a terrific success. During a walk through the Reserve on Friday afternoon I spotted many recently-emerged orchid leaves surrounded by little (but very fast growing) vetch seedlings. I decided to return on Sunday for two hours of weeding ... so emailed the team, saying come on down if you wish.
What a splendid time we all had - chatting and solving the world's problems, while making a huge difference to the dear little orchids. We then had cups of home-grown lemon myrtle tea and Ann's superbly baked muffins. These gatherings are just fabulous - much gratitude for all!


Yup... more Vetch! It is one of our target weed species as it grows quickly, has a smothering habit, and produces copious amounts of seed.
I suspect there used to be a lot more indigenous pea plants in the reserve, not all that long ago, before the impacts of urbanisation.
Vetch is also in the pea family. Weeds can tell us a story about soil, conditions, needs.
Peas are nitrogen fixers and play important roles in the ecosystem.

We were so fortunate to have Karl Just visit! He came to do an interview for his terrific video series which you can access and subscribe to HERE. We had lovely chats about ecology, motivation, Friends of Biodiversity Hohnes Hill and more.
He stayed and weeded with us, and remarked on how much difference our work has made to the Reserve.

Cheeky Vetch.... That's not really its name, but should be! It looks so benign - dainty, soft, lovely little seedlings. But within weeks they grow to be a great strong tangle. When mature it is almost impossible to remove them without damaging other vegetation as they grab and grow. Addressing the weed burden when they are young is so important... Painstakingly, we weeded large sections with a focus around Sweet Bursaria of Eltham Copper Butterfly host plants, and other indigenous dainties like Bossiaea, Glycine, Lilies, and more. The difference is IMPRESSIVE!!

Beautifully weeded with minimal soil disturbance. We follow the stem down to the ground being careful to avoid any surrounding plants such as Lilies, Glycine etc, and while supporting the soil, gently tease out the vetch. You can also see the nitrogen nodules and seeds.

Just as we were packing up to go, I spotted a young
Tropidoderus childrenii hanging in a Sweet Bursaria. Beauty!!
We were all thrilled.
More on these amazing insects soon....


So MUCH Cassinia Sifton removed! Again!
This plant has come in from north of Melbourne and is colonising many areas of Nillumbik including Hohnes Hill.
What an incredible team effort. We could hardly believe the size of the pile at the end of our two hours. So industrious and effective (well-earned tea, coffee, snacks).
Other weeds we removed include numerous Western Australian Bluebell creepers with masses of seed not yet ripe, Gorse, English Ivy, Paspalum and Cocksfoot grasses.
We are lucky in Hohnes Hill because there is substantial indigenous vegetation so when we remove weeds there is plenty of mid-storey for small birds and other creatures, and the ground is protected by the presence of indigenous grasses, groundcovers, and moss.
​Very happy to report that John - who joined in for the first time - happened to find a Pimelea Curviflora in what is often described as a very degraded area. Indeed, it is very weedy, but this little plant and several other species show us that there is always good work to be done in supporting indigenous biodiversity! The Pimelea was not looking too great after two months of pretty much no rain and surrounded by invasive plants, but what a survivor...
More pics coming soon...when the website complies!
On March 3rd around this great land, people gathered and picked up rubbish, in care of Country.
We focused on caring for our precious Diamond Creek whose confluence with the Birrarung (Yarra) is just a short stroll from Hohnes Hill Reserve. For the clean-up, we partnered with Friends of Eltham Platypus. We chose an area slightly further upstream where rubbish was substantial.
We pulled out bewildering quantities...
Half a dozen bikes, half a dozen tyres, two and a half shopping trolleys, a freezer, old bridge materials, witches hats, inconceivable quantities of plastic in the form of bottles and other containers, shredded bags and unidentifiable things, carpets of fake grass, bunting, toys...

A HUGE thank you to all who came and made a difference to the animals who have no choice but to live among rubbish.
Litter is a significant killer of animals - platypus regularly suffer injury and death from various items including hairbands, plastic bottle tops and rings around cans, netting, fish hooks and more.
Platypus and other animals also starve to death if they ingest quantities of plastic...
And chemicals leach into the water...

Isn't it great that we can all make a difference at the source of the problem!


Wow... If you were a Cassinia Sifton (not the local species) or a Western Australian Bluebell growing in Hohnes Hill, you would have been quaking in your roots.
Massive piles were removed, allowing light to enter areas where the butterflies are likely to spread to, and where the Glycine Latrobeana and other friends are being shaded out too much.
Mid-storey cover is important, but overgrowth here needs attention in order to give local species better chances of survival.
Amazing team effort once again. Huge positive impact!

We carefully worked in the cooler lower slopes avoiding Sweet Bursaria plants and areas where butterfly eggs may have been laid on them. We don't want to accidentally brush them off the plants.
You'd be quaking in your roots if you were weedy Paspalum grass! We focused on this before seeds ripen, drop, and spread. We worked to relieve pressure on various indigenous plants including gorgeous Kangaroo grasses (Themeda triandra), Spear grasses, and Yellow Rush Lilies (Tricoryne elatior). The area is looking transformed and loved!
As always, we worked slowly and steadily, pulling the weeds very carefully - stem by stem if need be - to ensure minimal soil disturbance and removal. So MANY bags of weed seed


Last year, with the guidance of Geoff Sutter (expert botanist and one of our excellent team members) we pegged out 8 quadrats (plots) through Hohnes Hill Reserve. The areas were chosen for specific characteristics (such as slope and diversity of vegetation). It was a bit of a challenge given the terrain and density of vegetation, and involved a fair bit of scrambling, weaving and back tracking in order to measure out the 20 x 20 metre plots.
The very laborious 'pointing' process followed... here is a brief step by step description:
Equipped with clipboard, plant species list/recording form, pencil, 'pointer' and tape measures, find the western boundary line of the plot.
Starting at the southern corner, identify every floral species that touches the 'pointer' (a thin metal rod one metre high).
Do this at 20 cm intervals. That's right, every 20cm! A rather small distance creating more than 1000 record points for each plot. Gee Geoff worked hard!
The person recording finds the species on the list, and marks which line and the distance from 0.0
Keep going...... and going

It was a brilliant team effort over hot dry days. Apart from Geoff's consistent effort and expertise, a special mention also goes to Evan for his commitment. The process was complex and long, but incredibly valuable for our work in coming weeks and months, and for decades to come.
More info updated soon..... including cover abundance process and use of data.


Above is a male Eltham Copper Butterfly with its distinct orange-tipped antennae and triangulated wings.
Most people are delightfully surprised to see just how small this gorgeous butterfly species is.
Antennae of the female Eltham Copper Butterfly are not bright orange at the tip and her wings are more rounded than the male's.
Surveys were conducted at the various Eltham Copper Butterfly sites, with mixed results. We had to be responsive to weather conditions as these little butterflies are more active when days are warm, dry, and not too windy.
The surveys give us valuable information regarding areas the butterflies seem to prefer. This can help shape management. We also learn more about their behaviour as we carefully observe their movement and interactions with other butterflies, other insects, various plants, the site itself, and more.
MORNING OF action - DECEMBER 3 2023

We worked in the lower slopes away from Eltham Copper Butterfly areas to avoid accidentally dislodging tiny precious eggs that may have recently been laid on Sweet Bursaria plants. We focused on significantly reducing the weed burden in patches of Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra) and Spear Grass species (Austrostipa sp), where we also found a lot of the very discreet and dainty Tricoryne elatior (Yellow Rush Lily). This is such a beautiful plant but often overlooked and easily damaged above ground. Its tubers give it resilience - keep a look our for its soft grey-green leaves and wiry stems with yellow flowers through the warmer months.

Dainty Tricoryne elatior , Yellow Rush Lily, with distinct twisted tepals after flowering.

Insect eggs we found while weeding - any ideas?

Paul with a load of Watsonia, Paspalum, Sweet Vernal, and more!
MORNING OF action - NOVEMBER 5 2023
Before our morning of action, we searched for Glycine Latrobeana. This rather discreet plant is not easy to find sometimes - individuals can be truly tiny - with very fine 'stems' and leaves. We marked each one, noting the health of the population. They need help! They will benefit from our weeding efforts, which will also give them more airflow and light. Our main targets were introduced Sweet vernal grass, Watsonia, Plantain, and the occasional Broome and Gorse, all of which were getting copious amounts of seed ready for spread. We have just about removed all Watsonia from Hohnes Hill. How fantastic!

Making good things happen... so peaceful and enriching...
Weeding carefully among endangered Glycine Latrobeana (Clover Glycine) and other indigenous plants including other Glycine species (egGlycine microphylla - Small-leaf Glycine and Glycine clandestina - Twining Glycine), Tricoryne elatior (Yellow Rush-Lily), various daisies, grasses and more.
Invasive weeds such as Watsonia, Plantain, Montpellier Broome (pic below), Sweet Vernal and other grasses were targeted.

Watsonia leaves with flowers and stems showing the nodules where small 'bulbs' will form, ripening to drop and grow.

night OF action - OCTOBER 20 2023
With much excitement, a small group of us ventured into Hohnes Hill in the dark, with our torches, looking for precious little caterpillars and their attendant ants. The caterpillars are Eltham Copper Butterflies pre-transformation! Focusing on Sweet Bursarias (of which there are many hundreds), we searched for the distinct movement of ants who crawl all over the caterpillars that live with them through this stage of their lives. An incredible relationship. We also saw a delightful diversity of other little creatures. Such fun!
Read on for details of the night with warm thanks to Susie Kumar who wrote the article. Susie is one of our fabulously passionate people :-)

It is Friday night, 20th October, lovely conditions, no wind; it’s warmish and close to 9 pm. It is completely dark; from a distance you can see a number of tiny lights bobbing around Hohnes Hill Reserve. There are 8 of us, including the ecologists John and Kathy. We are all very gently tip toeing around in our designated line of travel looking for Bursaria spinosa trees, then checking for the Notoncus ants, then undertaking a closer inspection to see if they are helping a young plump Eltham Copper Butterfly larvae to feed.
It takes a while to get your eyes into picking up details that you might otherwise overlook, (like our very careful weeding approach here at Hohnes Hill). It is a calm, slowing down approach that finds the ants. And well, behold, we do find this elusive translucent greenish larva just there on a Sweet Bursaria plant with attendant ants!
The larvae prefer Bursaria about 1 metre height or smaller, as they like the smaller younger leaves. We even witnessed two larvae emerging from their ant nest homes close to the base of the Bursaria plant. The results are not officially in – however tonight’s count of approximately 49 Eltham Copper Butterfly larvae suggest the colony has grown since last year’s count.
It was a terrifically interesting and unusual way to spend Friday night. The event highlights the importance of the excellent and careful weeding work undertaken by the Friends of Biodiversity Hohnes Hill and reminds us of the very precarious and delicate ecological balance that supports these tiny creatures that make Hohnes Hill their home.
Thank you Wayne Kinrade and Vicky Shukuroglou for guiding us through the highly anticipated evening event for the Eltham Copper Butterfly larvae count.

See the tiny hole at the base of the Bursaria above? That's the nest of the ants, where the caterpillars live. We saw two emerging from this hole. It is critical not to shine a light on them for more than a passing moment. If they sense too much light they will start returning homeward, even if early in their feeding time.

Some of the creatures we saw - various flies, bees, a pobblebonk frog showing its powerful burrowing thighs, crane flies joined at the 'loins', spiders with their tents, moths (one showing its pheromone-detecting antennae) and more...
It is such a delight to know that the work we are doing is enabling these creatures to live within the ecosystem!
MORNING OF action - OCTOBER 1 2023
In a nutshell, we focused on an area where Eltham Copper Butterfly larvae were found last year. We very carefully weeded around the Sweet Bursarias, making habitat more suitable for the larvae and adult butterflies. We worked in ways to ensure minimal soil disturbance - this is essential in part for the sake of the ants who look after the butterfly larvae. A good technique is often slow but effective. Our focus was on 'sweet vernal' - a weedy grass that not only produces copious quantities of seed to keep its populations growing, but is also allelopathic, meaning it releases chemicals into the soil which inhibit the growth of other plants. Not good! If anyone knows how these chemicals might also affect the Notoncus ants, please get in touch. And once again we shared amazing food - thanks team!!

Carefully pulling Sweet Vernal stems one by one rather than in clumps means we protect soil integrity, ants nests, and more. You can see how clean the roots are!
This also reduces incoming weed spread.

MORNING OF action - SEPTEMBER 2 2023
A glorious morning was shared - learning about plant ID, effective methods for weeding, and seasonally responsive actions. We continued our work on weedy vetch, which is growing quickly and showing not only how much there is to do, but how effective we were last month! Countless young Sweet Bursarias are no longer going to be smothered, allowing them to grow and giving the Eltham Copper Butterflies easy access to the plants. This is essential for these wonderful (and critically endangered) creatures to survive. Pics coming soon.... but in the meantime, here are a few from Tadema Reserve where we organised another action in a special patch of remnant bush that provides for a small population of Eltham Copper Butterflies. Much weeding was achieved, and we planted many Sweet Bursarias to increase the habitat available to the Butterflies, with the plan of slowly but surely linking to other larger populations. Fantastic! We're keen for Friends of Frank St and others to join in and generate more great outcomes.

These pics are from Tadema ... you can see the areas that we carefully weeded. Native grasses, lilies, and other locally rare plants that have close relationships with the site and its particular qualities, were being pushed out by a fast-spreading succulent. You can also see some of the guards protecting the little Bursarias which will hopefully grow well with some care over the summer months. The area is quite degraded with extensive weed cover and heavily compacted soil.
And of course... the fabulous snacks organised mainly by Tim. Big shout out to him for his great efforts.

MORNING OF action - AUGUST 5 2023
We had another brilliant gathering with significant benefit to our beloved reserve.
This time we focused on Vetch, working carefully around Bursaria, Lilies, Raspwort, Speedwells, Glycines, and more.
The vetch is currently small enough to be fairly easily removed, roots and all, with gentle teasing. One vetch plant can grow to smother an entire young Bursaria - this is a significant problem as young Bursarias are essential for the Eltham Copper Butterfly. Vetch prevents many other small plants from growing well, producing seed, and germinating.
We also removed many weedy grasses, making the base of Bursarias just a little more accessible to butterflies.
Great care was taken to ensure ant nests were not disturbed. We want these ants to be happy and healthy.
There is much to do! And then we had yet another feast... Huge thanks to excellent friends who brought tasty morsels.

MORNING OF action - JULY 1 2023
Wow what a brilliant team! We continued working mainly in the lower slopes. Some carefully dug up well-established Watsonia bulbs. It's a good time of year to do this job while the soil is moist and friable thanks to recent rain, and before the bulbs grow, flower, and seed. Others thinned out a substantial area of Cassinia Sifton. This plant is a good example of how one species can take advantage of certain conditions and become terribly invasive, making life hard or impossible for other species. Another group removed hundreds of young Cleaver plants, while others weeded around a few of the Glycine Latrobeana. We also removed more Gorse and replaced them with Bursaria Spinosa, keeping the larvae of beloved Eltham Copper Butterflies well fed.
A very warm welcome to our new members - so wonderful to meet you and work together.
We then shared warm drinks, amazing feast (thank you to the brilliant cooks!) and conversations...... So good.
​A hearty hooray to everyone, the difference is truly sensational.

Careful decision-making is critical to ensure best outcomes and least harm to our precious indigenous plants and animals. The removal of any vegetation has flow-on effects, whether the vegetation is indigenous or recently introduced. Considerations include erosion, reduction of shade/increase of sunlight, different available nutrients and moisture, change in shelter and food for insects, birds, bush rats and other creatures, and more.
Knowledge of place and ecosystems is invaluable!

MORNING OF action - JUNE 4 2023
We worked in the lower slopes, carefully digging up well-established Watsonia bulbs and Paspalum grass. Part of the challenge was working among the beautiful Microleana, Themeda Triandra, various Dianellas, lilies, orchids and more. What a joy to see them and increase their chances of survival.
We also carefully uprooted countless juveniles of the invasive Cleaver and a small but increasing population of the introduced Violet. We chopped out a few Gorse, with more to be dealt with!
As always, working to achieve minimal disturbance.
We also discovered a large European Wasp nest which will now be 'killed off' (sorry Wasps). One nest can create hundreds of new colonies. Wasps negatively affect the ecosystem, reduce available food, scare small birds, attack indigenous insects and more.

Bags full of Watsonia bulbs and others...... great work and a good time of year to get this done when the soil is soft and bulbs will come up a little more easily.
Also, no flower stalks to scatter seed.
Productive and happy couple of hours followed by morning tea (great biscuits Tim).
Thank you also to our friends at Hohnes Rd Playhouse!

Following a tremendous launch with our enthusiastic community, our first gathering on May 13 was brilliant!

A big hooray for our first morning of action and conversation - wonderful for everyone to connect with new and familiar faces, and share such a productive time (cassinia sifton must be quaking in its roots).
It was a thrill to see everyone's happy smile at the end of the morning. Thank you.
Exciting bit of news is that we uncovered a lot of excellent species growing among the weeds. We dodged Greenhood orchids, Kennedia Prostrata (Running Postman), various lilies, AND a Glycine Latrobeana (Clover Glycine) which might be unmapped. These tiny plants demonstrate how careful all activity has to be to ensure no damage is done.

It is also important to remember that all activity undertaken is site-specific. The fact that we are going hard at removing Cassinia Sifton and sensitively undertaking other ecological thinning, is in response to particular Management Plans and does not mean this approach can be applied elsewhere without careful consideration for all factors at each site. For example, the removal of any vegetation has an impact on bird populations and their movement, and the same goes for deer, whose cutting hooves cause much damage. We have seen areas that have suffered the consequences of deer coming in once the weed cover is thinned. Consideration of all pressures and characteristics is essential. We are fortunate that deer don't seem to be a problem at Hohnes Hill.

Just before the official Launch, Federal Member Kate Thwaites, Councillor Eyre, and Councillor Paine went for a walk in the reserve with Karl Just (ecologist) and Vicky Shukuroglou (Convenor for FoBHH). Biodiversity conservation and reinvigoration were discussed, and Eltham Copper Butterfly sites pointed out. Management plans for the other threatened species were part of the conversation, as well as the urgent need for significant policy development to ensure biodiversity decline is halted and reversed. The Launch was attended by more than 60 enthusiastic locals! Mayor Ramcharan also spoke, and Councillor Duffy also attended.